Ohio Biographies

Daniel Harpster

Daniel Harpster, one of the substantial farmers and representative citizens of Monroe township, residing on his valuable farm of 130 acres, situated in section 27, is also a survivor of the Civil War in which he took no insignificant part. He was born in Monroe township, Allen County, Ohio, July 7, 1841, and is a son of Jacob and Sarah (Walls) Harpster.

The Harpster family was established in Ohio, by the grandfather, Peter Harpster, a veteran of the War of 1812, who settled as a farmer among the pioneers of Pickaway County. His ancestors were German, but he was born in Pennsylvania. His son Jacob, father of our subject, was born in Pckaway County and came to Allen County immediately after his marriage with Sarah Walls. She was a daughter of Robert Walls and died at West Cairo, aged about 70 years. The family consisted of eight children, as follows: Elizabeth (Garner), deceased; Christiana (Mort), deceased; Thomas, who served in the Civil War, rising from the ranks to the position of captain, and resides at Cairo; Daniel, of this sketch; Jane (Eiche), of Delphos; Robert Newton, now of West Cairo, who served with our subject in the Civil War; Susan widow of Gurst Rathburn, of West Cairo; and Anthony, deceased. The father of this family followed farming and blacksmithing during his active years, and died in Monroe township, aged 70 years. He was always a stanch supporter of the Democratic party.

Daniel Harpster attended the district schools in boyhood and assisted on the homestead until the outbreak of the Civil War. From the first enlistments he was eager to offer his services, although but a boy of 20 years, and on September 1, 1861, was enrolled in Company E, 81st Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., under Capt. George A. Taylor and Col. Thomas Morton, the regiment being known as Morton's Rifle Regiment. This command came into prominence in many of the great battles of the war, fighting valiantly at Shiloh, Corinth and Farmington, on the "March to the Sea" with General Sherman, and in front of Atlanta. At the engagements last named Mr. Harpster won promotion. Having been placed on detached duty, he brought in three Confederate pickets, for this act of bravery and strategy being made color sergeant. At the expiration of his term of service, he reenlisted in the 192nd Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf., and remained in the service until the close of the war, receiving his honorable discharge in September, 1865, after taking part in the Grand Review at Washington City.

Mr. Harpster returned to Monroe township, after his army service was ended, and with his bother Thomas, purchased a farm which they operated for two years, when our subject sold out his interest and bought his present property, which was then an unimproved tract. He has made all the excellent improvements here and has developed a fine farm carrying on stock-raising operations of quite an extensive character. For three years he was also a contractor, and built many of the excellent roads and bridges in his section. He has been very prominent in public affairs in his township, taking a continuous and intelligent interest in its welfare. In politics, like his father, he has been a strong Democrat, casting his first vote for George B. McClellan. For 20 years he has served on the School Board, and has been township trustee for two terms, and is one of the three county commissioners of the soldiers' relief organization in Allen County.

Mr. Harpster was married (first) in 1865 to Amelia A. Snyder, who was a daughter of Philip Snyder, and they had two children, viz: Frank, of Norwalk, Ohio; and Hattie, deceased. In 1876 Mr. Harpster was married (second) to Alice Miller, who was born in Monroe township and is a daughter of Robert and Sarah (Ward) Miller, natives of Perry County, Ohio. Seven children have been born to them, namely: Lizzie (Herron), now deceased, who left three sons; Clay, of Monroe township; Loverna (Miller), of Michigan; Sara (Middlestetter), of Lima; Mary, living at home; Daniel, Jr. and Rue.



