Charles C. Heller
Charles C. Heller, one of the leading business men of Beaver Dam, who conducts a large hardware store, tin shop and coal-yard, was born at Wapakoneta, Auglaize County, Ohio, December 19, 1864, and is a son of George C. and Johanna (Duvel) Heller.
George C. Heller, father of Charles C., was born in Baden, Germany, and the mother in Hanover. Both came to America in childhood with their parents. They have five children, as follows: Charles C; Albert H., who is professor of civil engineering in the Ohio State University; Henrietta, who is the wife of William Kayser; and Cora, who lives at home.
Charles C. Heller attended school in his native place until he was 16 years of age, and then went into his father's wagon-shop where he worked for some years. In 1892 he located at Beaver Dam, and in 1901 entered into the hardware business in partnership with C. T. Kolter and J. F. Seitz, under the firm name of Heller & Company. After one year Mr. Heller sold out to his partners and bought the hardware business of Emil Augsburger. Since that time Mr. Heller has continued in this line of business at Beaver Dam, carrying a large line of general hardware, stoves and tinware, operating a tin-shop, dealing also in farm implements and vehicles, and in coal. He is also manager and secretary of the Beaver Dam Home Telephone Company, which he organized in December, 1902.
Mr. Heller was married June 15, 1887, to Margaret Reid, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, but who was reared at Wapakoneta, and is a daughter of Thomas J. and Katherine Reid. They have four children: Marguerite, Madeline, Miriam and Alberta.
Politically Mr. Heller has been a lifelong Democrat and has frequently been elected to important local offices. He has been clerk and president of the School Board, for a number of terms has been a member of the Beaver Dam Board of Health, and for six years was corporation treasurer. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Modern Woodmen of America. He belongs to the German Evangelical Church.