Abram Harrod
Abram Harrod, a highly esteemed retired resident of Lima, was born in Mercer County, Ohio, April 27, 1850, and is a son of David and Jane (Rickmire) Harrod.
The father of Mr. Harrod was born in 1792 in Knox County, Ohio, and the mother in the same locality two years later. After marriage they settled near Fort Recovery, in Mercer County, in 1837, and lived there on a farm until 1852, when David Harrod went west on a prospecting tour, in search of a suitable location to which to remove. He was taken ill with cholera on a steamboat on the Missouri River and died far from home.
Abram Harrod lived at home in Mercer County until 1875 and then went to California, where he spent one year and then settled at Geneva, Indiana, where he engaged in an undertaking and furniture business for some seven years, removing then to Portland, Indiana. There he embarked in an implement business which he continued four years. On January 1, 1886, he came to Lima and became traveling salesman for Henry Parham in an implement business. After seven years in this employment, he took up the duties of county recorder, to which he had been elected on the Democratic ticket. He served six years and eight months, having been reelected. Since retiring from this position he has been traveling representative of a Court House supply firm. Recently he has been appointed market master by the Board of Public Service of Lima.
On May 15, 1875, Mr. Harrod was married to Harriet Smith, of Van Wert County, Ohio, who is a daughter of David and Jane (Hartzog) Smith. They have two sons, viz.: Bert G., who is connected with the Lima Locomotive Works, and Robert L., who is traveling for a wholesale implement firm of Kansas City, where he resides. He is a graduate of the law department of the University of Michigan, but imperfect hearing interfered with his professional career. Mr. and Mrs. Harrod are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.