Ohio Biographies

Edward J. Ford

Edward J. Ford, a worthy representative of one of the old pioneer families of Allen County, resides on a well-developed farm of 93 acres in section 34, Marion township, on the east side of the Auglaize River, situated on the Lima turnpike and the Delphos road. Mr. Ford was born December 19, 1853, near Urbana, on his father's pioneer farm in Champaign County, Ohio, and is a son of Joseph and Isabella (Moore) Ford.

Joseph Ford, the venerable father of our subject, who had his 89th birthday on September 17, 1905, was born on a farm situated one and a half miles southeast of Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio, and is a son of Joseph and Catherine (Snell) Ford.

Joseph Ford, the grandfather of Edward J. Ford, was born March 4, 1781, near Hagerstown, Maryland, where he lived in peace and plenty on his lands after the close of the Revolutionary War. On April 12, 1803, he married Catherine Snell, who was a daughter of Samuel Snell. She was born May 4, 1781. After marriage, Joseph and Catherine Ford joined the army of pioneers who sought homes in Kentucky, but soon left the rich valleys there, which then were overrun with Indians, and came to the more peaceful settlements in Ohio. Grandfather Ford located in Champaign County, which then, with the exception of scattered clearings, was a dense forest, and cleared a farm situated four miles from Urbana. He was also an old-time teamster and engaged in hauling freight between Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio, and likewise did teaming for General Wayne's army. The children born to Joseph and Catherine Ford were: Sarah, James, Christiana, Nancy, John Harrison, Joseph, William, Mary and a babe which died in infancy. For 18 consecutive years Joseph Ford served as a justice of the peace and he also was captain of a rifle company. He owned a fine farm of 134 acres in the vicinity of Urbana. He died in Champaign County at the age of 72 years. He was a life-long member of the Methodist Protestant Church, and for many years was a deacon. His wife was equally devoted to this denomination.

Joseph Ford, father of our subject, the seventh child of his parents family, is the only survivor, and what a vast gulf of history his long life has covered! He was educated in the primitive subscription schools, the sessions of which were held in little log cabins, with none of the luxurious surroundings which the modern child expects both at home and at school. However, these early schools taught thoroughly and elemental principles and turned out able men and women. Mr. Ford, like his father, began to assist in teaming when but a stripling, easily managing the four and six-horse teams which were attached to the immense freight wagons. He recalls one of his early trips which took him through Allen County, when the present flourishing little city of Lima was erecting its first log cabin in the woods. He continued to follow teaming until 1843 and then entered into general farming. In 1844 he married and continued to live in Champaign County until 1854, and then removed to Allen County, settling on a tract of 160 acres, right in the woods, which he had purchased in 1849, the land being situated in a desirable part of Marion Township. This farm he cleared from the forest and increased its acreage to 100 acres. In his efforts he was assisted by his admirable wife whose frugality and excellent management provided a cheerful, happy home, in which a family of worthy children were reared to respected and useful maturity.

On January 5, 1844, Joseph Ford was married to Isabella Moore, who was a daughter of Maj. Thomas and Martha (Dodson) Moore. Major Moore, who was an early settler in Kentucky and a farmer, drover, teamster and soldier, obtained his title in the War of 1812. He was surrendered with the garrison at Detroit by Gen. William Hull, having cut his way through 200 miles of forest to Detroit from Urbana. Major Moore was the first man to plant an orchard in his county. He was twice married. His first wife was a Miss McConkle, and five children were born to the union. The second marriage was to Martha Dodson, and the following children were born to this marriage: Jesse, Samuel, William, Isabella and Martha J. The death of Major Moore occurred during one of his teaming trips, his lifeless body being found in his wagon. He was 50 years of age.

The children of Joseph Ford and wife were: Dora, deceased, who was the wife of Irenus Stooky; John C., a farmer of Marion township, who is also in the stone business; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of Edward Tucker; Anna, the wife of Henry Boroff, of Hardin County, Ohio; Thomas, deceased; Edward J., of Marion township; Frances, deceased, who was the wife of Sheldon Sarber; Alice, the wife of Rev. George W. Mell, Pastor of the Christian Church at Delphos; Maly, a farmer on the old homestead, who married Emily Lee; and Ollie, who married Charles Morgan and resides on the homestead. The mother of the above mentioned children, full of years and possessed of all the Christian virtues, passed away in the old home in section 2, Marion township, on January 13, 1902. Since 1885 Mr. Ford has lived retired. He has always been identified with the Democratic party and for a number of his active years served as township trustee. His venerable age causes him to find the larger part of his enjoyment in the associations of the home and heartstone, and he still deeply mourns the loss which bereaved him of his companion of so many happy years. He is held in the highest respect and greatest esteem by the residents of Marion township.

Edward J. Ford, our immediate subject, was only three months old when his parents came to Allen County and settled on the farm in section 2, Marion Township. Mr. Ford was reared on the farm where the summer seasons were filled with agricultural labor, while the winters were given over to attending school. About two years after his marriage, in association with his brother, John C. Ford, he opened up a stone quarry business in section 9, Marion Township, and was interested in this business for four years. Then he started in business alone on his own farm. Following his marriage, he located on a tract of 35 acres of land which had been partially improved and cultivated, and later he came to his resent productive farm, settling here in March, 1889. He carries on general farming in connection with his stone business, having ditched and tiled his land and improved it with excellent buildings. Much of his time, however, is still demanded by his stone interests. The capacity of his stone-crusher is from 50 to 60 yards a day, the average product being the former quantity, and sales are made all over the county. He is a member of the township School Board and is one of the directors of the beautiful Walnut Grove Cemetery. Fraternally he is a Knight of Pythias.

In January, 1880, Mr. Ford was married to Lovina Phillips, who is a daughter of Isaac and Polly (Crites) Phillips. The former was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of Daniel Phillips, who moved to Ohio at a very early day and settled near Dayton for a short period and then removed to Fairfield County. There he bought 80 acres of land and spent the rest of his life upon it. He reared seven sons and five daughters. The father of Mrs. Ford learned the blacksmith's trade in Fairfield County. In 1855 he moved to Allen County and settled on a farm in Marion Township, one mile east and south of Mr. Ford's pace. He remained on this farm in section 3 for a number of years. His wife died some years before he was accidentally killed by a train on the P., Ft. W. & C. Railway, at Scott's Crossing.



