Ohio Biographies

J. W. Dobbins

J. W. Dobbins, a citizen of Lima, who is held in general esteem, for a long period very active in the business affairs of this city and exceedingly prominent in Masonic circles in the State, was born at Poland, Mahoning County, Ohio, April 26, 1834, and is a son of Joseph Dobbins.

Mr. Dobbins comes of sturdy ancestry, a combination of Scotch and Welsh stock, with an added Irish strain. The family originated in Scotland, but during the days of religious persecution fled to the North of Ireland. From that section came the paternal grandfather of our subject, who settled in Maryland in 1797. His movements later were to Washington County, Pennsylvania, and thence to what is now Mahoning County, Ohio, where he settled with other early pioneers. The maternal grandfather, Thomas Williams, came from Wales and settled in Maryland.

Mr. Dobbins had the common experiences of other farmer's sons in his locality, but in early manhood turned his special attention to carpentry. He also taught school for several terms and spent several years in Missouri, where he was employed as a surveyor of government lands. Shortly before the opening of the Civil War, he returned to Ohio and continued his former occupations until 1864, when he enlisted as a private in the 180th Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf., in which he served until the end of the struggle. While this was the extent of his army service, he has been connected with military affairs previously, having served throughout the year 1862 as provost-marshal. He was a strong supporter of the Union cause and testified to his loyalty in a very practical way.

Since 1863 Mr. Dobbins has been a resident of Allen County, and of Lima, since 1880. For some years he was engaged in farming and bridge-building, but since locating in the city his main interests have been in the lumber trade. He is treasurer of Garrett Wykoff Lodge, No. 585, F. & A. M. He was secretary and treasurer of Woodlawn Cemetery for several years, and is at present one of the trustees. He sold the property which became the sites of both the Woodlawn and Gethsemane cemeteries, the latter being the Catholic burial- ground. Mr. Dobbins was one of the first members of the board of trustees of the Lima Water-Works. Suring his residence in Shawnee township he served for a number of years as justice of the peace. Endowed with excellent business capacity, he has accumulated a competency and has always thoughtfully considered the welfare of his family.

Mr. Dobbins was married in 1861, to Jane Fenn, and they had seven children born to them, viz: Mary Olive; Carrie, wife of George Sifert, of Lima; William F., Manager of the Laurens Hull Lumber Company; Joseph; Grant, deceased; Arthur, with the Lima Telephone & Telegraph Company, and Emma and Cloyd, both deceased. Clarence Sifert, the eldest son of Mr. Dobbins' second daughter, was one of the 14 telephone and telegraph operators on duty at the notable meeting of the Peace Commissners of Russia and Japan, at Portsmouth. Another son of Mrs. Sifert is in the telegraphic department of the Buckeye Pipe Line Company, of Lima.

For the last 30 years Mr. Dobbins has held some official position in the Masonic fraternity at Lima. He is a 32nd degree Mason; is a member of the Blue Lodge, Council, Chapter and commandery, at Lima; is one of the older members of the Shrine at Dayton; belongs to the Consistory at Toledo, and has long been a member of the Shrine Club. He is also identified with Mart Armstrong Post, NO. 202, G. A. R.

Mr. Dobbins and family belong to the Presbyterian Church, and William F. is one of the elders. Mr. Dobbins resides in a very pleasant home at No. 120 West Spring street.



