D. C. Dunn
D. C. Dunn, president of The Eagle Stave Company, Atlas Cooperage Company, Colonial Column Company and Dunn Cooperage Company, has been a resident of Lima but a few years, yet even in this short period he has identified himself with the business and social interests of the city in a way to make his influence felt throughout the entire municipality. He was born September 27, 1874, in the village of Lee, Massachusetts, and is a son of George Dunn, a retired manufacturer, living at Miamisburg, Ohio. George Dunn is a native of Scotland, and there learned the trade of paper manufacturer, becoming an expert in the business. Coming to this country he continued to work at the business for many years in different States.
This accounts for the fact that our subject has been a resident of almost every State east of the Mississippi River, and secured his education in various localities. Arriving at man's estate he engaged in the real estate business in Miamisburg for two years, and then embarked in the cooperage business. He engaged in the latter occupation at Minister, Auglaize County, Ohio, where he remained three years and then moved to Cridersville, where he continued in the same work for another two years. In 1902 he came to Lima and organized The Eagle Stave Company, which was incorporated in 1905 with a capital stock of 25,000. The officers of this company are: D. C. Dunn, president, and A. J. Dunn, secretary and treasurer. They manufacture stave and hoops. Mr. Dunn is president of the Atlas Cooperage Company, of Lindsey, Ohio; president of the Dunn Cooperage Company, of Livermore, Kentucky; vice-president of the Lima Progressive Association and president of the Colonial Column Company of Lima, of which A. J. Dunn is vice-president and secretary and Henry Groby is general manager. He is also secretary of the Humane Horse Shoe Company, of Lima, and vice-president of the O. C. Robinson Company, of Creston, Ohio, and of the Mercer Cooperage & Lumber Company, of Fort Recovery, Ohio. Mr. Dunn has a business record worthy of emulation. Beginning life with a capital of $50 in cash, he has shown remarkable sagacity in his investments and has achieved his present success by honest industry and application, backed by sound common-sense.
In 1896 Mr. Dunn was married to Bessie Groby, daughter of Henry Groby, who is a lumber dealer of Miamisburg. They have one child Marian. Mr. Dunn is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and a man who stands high in the opinion of all who have the honor of his acquaintance. His portrait accompanies this sketch, being shown on a preceding page.