M. P. Colt
M. P. Colt, local manager of the National Supply Company, of Lima, has been connected with this company for the past 12 years, eight of which have been spent in Lima in his present office. He was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania, in 1870, was there educated and reared on a farm, which was his home until he reached his majority. He then came to the Ohio Oil field and secured employment with the Manhattan Oil Company. Two years later he accepted a lucrative position in the clerical department of the National Supply Company, of Wood County, and has worked his way up by the interest and energy he has shown in the business. The main offices are at Toledo, Ohio, with 70 branch offices, where all the tools used in the production of oil are handled.
Mr. Colt has operated in every oil field in the Union, except Texas. He established the first supply store opened in Kansas, and started the store for the National Supply Company in California. In 1897 he came to Lima as the local manager of the company and conducts a very successful business. He has large business interests, being engaged in oil production in the field of Ohio and Indiana; director in The Lima Trust Company; stockholder in the Crystal Ice & Coal Company; stockholder of the First National Bank of Cuba, New York; and also in the Lima Driving Park Association. He is a genial, affable gentleman who, notwithstanding his complex business interests, finds time for recreation and a social hour with his friends. Mr. Colt was married in 1894 to Hattie Clayton, of Bluffton, Indiana