Ohio Biographies

George P. Conner

George P. Conner of Lima, one of the leading Masons of the United States, is a native of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, born in 1858, and is a son of James A. Conner. The father was also born in the Keystone State, where he died some 40 years ago, being a steamboat pilot on the Allegheny River nearly all his life.

Our subject left Pennsylvania in 1876. In boyhood he had moved to Philadelphia where he was educated and later mastered the business of sign painting. In the year mentioned he located in Ada, Ohio, and four years later removing to Topeka, Kansas. He followed his profession in that city for 13 years, and then spent some four years traveling in the interest of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company and Carter's White Lead Company. In 1902 he returned to Lima, and this city has been his place of residence ever since.

In 1880 Mr. Conner was married to Fannie L. Funk, a daughter of Randolph M. Funk, and they have two daughters Rhea Lillian and Mabel Pauline. The former married Charles R. Lingo, a locomotive engineer residing at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is at present manager for P. F. Collier & Company. The latter resides at home. Mr. Conner and family attend the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Conner enjoys the distinction of being one of the most competent cryptic Masons in the Union, and is probably one of the most widely known members of the fraternity in the United States. He has a national reputation as an expounder of the Masonic work. In 1893 he was the exemplifier of cryptic rite work before the General Grand Council of the United Stats at Topeka, Kansas, and is thrice illustrious master of Lima Council, No. 20, R. & S. M.; is the grand representative of the Gand Council of Kansas near the Grand Council of Ohio.

In this fraternal connection is quoted the following extract from the proceedings of the M. I. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Kansas, at their 37th annual assembly, held in the city of Wichita, Kansas, February 13-14, A. D., 1904, A. Dep. 2905: " It has been my pleasure during the year to issue commission to Ill. Comp. George P. Conner, now of Lima, Ohio, and formerly a member of Zabud Council, No. 4, Topeka, Kansas. Comp. Conner, with his usual energy and devotion to the work of Cryptic Masonry, became interested in Lima Council and in the Grand Council of Ohio, became acquainted with Comp. Conner, he immediately insisted that he should resign and that the Grand Master of the Grand Council of Ohio should recommend the appointment of Comp. Conner, which was accordingly done, and a commission issued to Comp. Conner. We are pleased to be able to enroll his name among the Grand Representatives of this Grand Council."

Great pleasure is also taken in quoting from the proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal, Select and Super-Excellent Masters of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, as follows:

"One of the most interesting gatherings in the Masonic history of Montgomery and indeed in the State, was in the Odd Fellows' Hall which had been kindly tendered for the occasion, last evening, when Montgomery Council of Royal and Select Masters received 26 candidates into the beauties and mysteries of Cryptic Masonry. Companion George P. Conner, of Zabud Council, No. 4, Topeka, Kansas, one of the brightest and most intelligent Masons of the Union, had kindly consented to be present and assist in the work. To him the greatest credit for the success of the assembly is to be accorded."



