Ohio Biographies

Andrew J. Chapman

Andrew J. Chapman, one of the substantial farmers of Allen County, was born in Butler County, Ohio, May 22, 1833. He has been a resident of Perry Township since 1837, and is the owner of a fine farm in section 35. His parents were Lewis and Catherine (McTaggert) Chapman, who moved from Pennsylvania to Allen County in 1837. Eight years later Lewis Chapman, who was a farmer, died. He was a Democrat and a member of the Hard-Shell Baptist Church at Lima. There was born to him and his wife, Catherine McTaggert, five children, three of whom died in infancy. The two surviving are J. H., who was born August 16, 1834, and Andrew J. Mrs. Chapman passed away in the autumn of 1877.

Andrew J. Chapman attended school in the same district in which he now lives excepting the time spent in the Civil War, and remained at home until his marriage. He first enlisted in September, 1861, in Company D, 54th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. After serving for 19 months and 18 days he received a certificate of discharge from the surgeon on account of disability. Having regained his health, he reenlisted in 1864 in Company B, 151st Ohio, and served 100 days, receiving his discharge August 27, 1864. The first important engagement in which he participated was at Washington City, when General Early made his raid upon it . Returning to Ohio, he again took up farming and has continued in that occupation ever since. He bought 90 acres of land in section 35, Perry township and about 1875 built a comfortable modern residence and otherwise improved his property, making it one of the most desirable in the township. In addition to this farm, Mrs. Chapman owns 38 acres in section 25, Perry Township, which she inherited form her father.

Mr. Chapman has been twice married. On May 2, 1866, he was married to Letitia Kerr, daughter of Alexander E. Kerr, who resided in Auglaize Township. She died in November, 1867, and on May 9, 1869, Mr. Chapman was united in marriage to his present wife who was formerly Anna Bowdle. Mrs. Chapman was born April 23, 1845, and is a daughter of Jesse L. Bowdle, of Perry township. To this union seven children were born, as follows: Harley Weston, born February 28, 1870, who married Ora Sherfey and resides in Lima; Effie W. (Stevenson), born January 3, 1872, who has three children, Lucille, Walter and Evelyn, and lives in Perry township; Laura L. (Moyer), born July 14, 1874, who is the mother of four children Naomi, Doyle, Charles and Ernest; Sarah E. (Naylor), born April 24, 1878, who is the mother of one child Vera; Jesse G., born December 11, 1880, who married Bessie Baker, has one child, Pansy, and resides in Kossuth, Auglaize County; Bessis M., born October 29, 1883, and Charles H., born August 31, 1886, who lives at home. Mr. Chapman is a Republican and has served as assessor and township treasurer. He is a member of Armstrong Post, No. 202, G. A. R., and of the Methodist Episcopal Church.



