Ohio Biographies

Timothy R. Bowersock

Timothy B. Bowersock, proprietor of the "Lima Jersey Stock Farm," located in German township, is one of the most advanced and progressive agriculturist of Allen County and his reputation as a farmer and breeder of thoroughbred Jersey cattle has made his name familiar beyond the boundary of the State. Mr. Bowersock was born April 28, 1853, in Noble County, Ohio, and is a son of John Bowersock who died in Allen County March 1, 1889, and is remembered by the older residents as a man of sterling qualities. John Bowersock was born in the State of Pennsylvania, December 16, 1811, and was a shoemaker during his earlier years. Later he became a miller and followed that occupation for many years, but at the outbreak of the Civil War abandoned that calling to purchase horses for the Government. In 1865 he removed from Noble to Allen County, where he purchased 126 acres of land in section 33, German township, and gave his attention to farming during the remainder of his life.

Timothy B. Bowersock was a lad of 12 years when his parents sought a home in Allen County, and he has grown to manhood and been identified with the leading men of the community ever since. He has always been interested in farming and stock raising, and established his present beautiful farm in 1878. He began by stocking it with thoroughbred Jerseys, and he still makes a specialty of that breed of cattle, although he buys and sells extensively of other stock, confining his transactions, however, to high-grade stock. Many fine animals are disposed of both by public and private sale each year, and the fact that they come from the "Lima Jersey Stock Farm," is considered a guarantee of their superior merits.

Mr. Bowersock has been married twice. On September 25, 1873, he was united to Ellen Kemp, daughter of Rev. J. W. Kemp, and three months later, on December 23, 1873, she was called to her reward. In 1876, On March 25th, he was married to Margaret L. Brewbaker, a lady of many estimable qualities and a daughter of G. W. Brewbaker. Her father, a venerable pioneer of Allen County, was an honored resident within its limits from 1833, when as a child of seven he was brought here with the family, until his death in 1896 as an old highly esteemed citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Bowersock are the parents of the following children: George A.; Walter M.; William H.; Nora M.; Roy E.; Oscar and Calvin Brice. The fraternal societies to which Mr. Bowersock belongs are the following: Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Fraternal Order of Eagles and Improved Order of Red Men. He served one year as worthy president of the lodge of Eagles and was a delegate from the lodge to the national convention that was held at Denver, Colorado, in 1905.

Mr. Bowersock is one of the prominent Democrats of this county, and has borne his full share of the responsibility and labors which should devolve upon all, but usually fall to the lot of a few of the untiring workers. Time and again he has been honored by election to office, and has served on the Democratic County Executive Committee, as township assessor, land appraiser, township trustee and president of the School Board. He is now serving his second term as township treasurer, and in the discharge of the duties of this office, as of all others which he has assumed, has shown earnestness, faithfulness and ability. For eight years he also served as secretary of the Allen County Agricultural Society, then declining further service in that capacity.

Mr. Bowersock has reason to be proud of the fact that he has acquired prominence solely through individual exertions; further, he has established a fine home and given his children a thorough education, four of the members of his family being teachers in the schools.


From History of Allen County, Ohio  and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906



