Ohio Biographies

Dr. Samuel A. Baxter

When the wild mob in Paris was rushing on its way to overthrow the Bastille and the Palace of the Tuileries, an old man with silvery hair appeared in the street, and with uncovered head called for silence. The leader of the mob at once recognized him, and called to his men, "Halt! Sixty years of pure life is about to address you. It is De La Ure; Halt! and listen." The mob halted and listened then returned quietly to their homes, influenced by one known to be the friend of all humanity.

The long and eventful life of Dr. Baxter, filled with sweet charity and unselfish devotion to his friends and his home city, his high moral standing and business integrity, might well cause him to be called the " De La Ure" of Lima, to do right under very trying and excited conditions.

Born, and largely educated, in Lima, all his life a lover of his city and its people, no one claims a higher place in the hearts of the people.  Called again and again to posts of influence and trust, he was never found wanting.  When the city had a business crisis, or a great financial success, Dr. Baxter was always called on to aid in tiding over the one, and in expressing the general good will of the other.

Blest with a wise father and a devoted mother, plans were early matured for his medical education.  he was graduated from the Cincinnati Medical College in 1863, and began practice in the army under a commission direct from Hon Edwin M. Stantion, Secretary of War.  He was commissioned by John Brough, Governor of Ohio, to the 18th Ohio Volunteer Infantry commanded by General Charles Grosvenor, a personal friend of Dr. Baxter from his youth.  Later he served both as assistant and acting medical director of the Department of Georgia under Gen. James B. Steedman.

After the war, Dr. Baxter began the active practice of medicine in Lima.  It was hard work for a time.  But fortune came to him in disguise.  He was made health officer, and was put in charge of all small-pox cases during the terrible scourge in Lima.  He nursed the sick, and buried the dead with his own hands.  Small-pox then had greater terror than the bubonic plague has now  So successfully did he perform his loathsome work that, upon the passing of the scourge, he found himself overwhelmed with business in Lima and for a radius of 50 miles about the city.  He was called in counsel to adjoining towns, and was made surgeon for a number of railways.  This success was soon followed by one as brilliant, but in another line that of financier  He became interested in great enterprises, was secretary of the original gas company, then entered the banking business, establishing the City Bank of Lima for a long time one of the most successful financial concerns of the Northwest; was president of the First National Bank, which institution he made substantial in every way.  He managed the artificial and built the natural gas plants; was very influential in building the street car line; promoted and sold the Indiana & Ohio gas pipe-line and secured the building of the car works, then consolidating these works with The Lima Locomotive & Machine Company, still one of the greatest of Lima's Industries.    The Lake Erie & Western shops, the Chicago & Erie and the Ohio Southern railroads were each secured for Lima through his aid and enthusiasm.  But other fields of usefulness also commanded his time and money: the Young Men's Christian Association and Lima College, Institutions of great credit to the city were greatly aided by him.  Every church built in Lima in the last 40 years has been aided by his generosity.  During his long business career he formed strong alliances in Bradford, England, Boston, New York, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo and Chicago.

He has served the State as trustee of State asylums for the insane at Dayton and at Toledo and in many other ways.  The people of Lima elected him mayor of the city and would repeat it at any time they could get his consent to be a candidate.

A short time ago, Dr. Baxter retired from the banking business, and formed a partnership with his sons, under the name of Samuel A. Baxter & Sons, for the purpose of developing his properties in the West, and for handling other extensive interests.

Dr. Baxter is a man of rare intellectual force, history being his favorite study.  He has long been recognized as the leading historian not only of Lima, but of the county.  To his untiring labors as a chronologist and as a collector of the facts of history, this work is largely due, and to him as a benefactor of the community the people owe an enduring monument

Samuel A. Baxter is a friend worth having.  No man has ever exhibited the sweet amenities of life in a higher degree than he .  So warm-hearted and generous he has drawn men to him and held them through life with "hooks of steel."  To him charity is a work of sweet and familiar sound.  No snow ever fell too deep, no northern blast ever pierced too sharply to stay his helping hand.  When old earth is wrapped in the icy bounds of the Frost King and God's poor are suffering most then Dr. Baxter's  charity is most freely bestowed.  In all the good work he has done, he was only regarded by himself as a plain individual in the general economy.  With him charity began at home, where, surrounded by a sweet and companionable wife and happy children, he was more than a lord, but his charity did not end there.  He took too broad a view of life to be selfish he lived and still lives for all humanity.  When his career is ended, truly may it be said that, " Were all for whom he has done a kind act to bring but a blossom to his grave, he would sleep beneath a wilderness of flowers."   C. C. M.  

Estimate of Dr. Baxter by Rev. I. J. Swanson.  The eminence of Dr. S. A. Baxter, in the city of Lima and the county of Allen, is conceded by all.

His place in public confidence, esteem and honor, is secure.  It has been won by a life of unsullied business integrity, of identification with commercial, educational and philanthropic interests, and of devotion to the public good.

It is interesting to trace the factors in the making of such a career " Blood will tell," and while aristocracy of rank is unknown amongst us, the aristocracy of culture, character and ability will always have our respect.

The Baxters of Virginia and the Carolinas, from whom he descended, are of the fine old English stock of colonial days, and have contributed names to their country's history, distinguished in the progressions and in political life.  Doubtless Dr. Baxter owes to his honored ancestors his talent for public service, and his deep sense of obligation to further the common good.

Successful in his own affairs, he has watched over and contributed to the development of Lima from a country town to a busy, thriving and growing city.  As physician, banker, promoter of industries and organizer of important commercial interests, his life has been one of untiring industry, business sagacity and unquestioned uprightness.

Philanthropic movements have found in him a stanch supporter.  The hospital, churches, and charitable societies, generally, have found a friend.  The extent of his benevolent contributions will probably never be known, for "he has not sounded a trumpet before him."

The education interests of the city have had in him an enthusiastic supporter and a sound counselor.  He served for years on the board of Lima College, which is at last emerging into a place of great usefulness and promise, under the competent and energetic leadership of that distinguished educator, President C. C. Miller.

A minor matter, and yet one that has endeared Dr. Baxter to thousands, is the hospitality which has marked "Baxter Place."  Its beautiful grounds have witnessed many public gatherings, high school reunions, sacred concerts on Sunday afternoons, or, perchance, a reception to a Governor or other public officials, in which cases the spacious residence was also the scene of a hospitality which kept alive the fine old traditions of the courtly South.  On such occasions and, indeed, throughout his entire career, the winning, gracious and cultured personality of Mrs. Baxter (loved in all relationships, though modest and retiring as the violet) contributed to their success.

Such a life is valuable asset of any community.  To young men of ambition, industry and ability, it is an incentive to seek a career that will serve not selfish interests alone, but by integrity of conduct and promotion of the public good, to lead their age a little higher on Humanity's upward path, which at last shall be crowned with the light of a perfect civilization.    



The eminence of Dr. S. A. Baxter, in the city of Lima and the county of Allen, is conceded by all.

His place in public confidence, esteem and honor, is secure. It has been won by a life of unsullied business integrity, of identification with commercial, educational and philanthropic interests, and of devotion to the public good.

It is interesting to trace the factors in the making of such a career—“Blood will tell,” and while aristocracy of rank is unknown amongst us, the aristocracy of culture, character and ability will always have our respect.

The Baxters of Virginia and the Carolinas, from whom he decended, are of the fine old English stock of colonial days, and have contributed names to their country’s history, distinguished in the professions and in political life. Doubtless Dr. Baxter owes to his honored ancestors his talent for public service, and his deep sense of obligation to further the common good.

Successful in his own affairs, he has watched over and contributed to the development of Lima from a country town to a busy, thriving and growing city. As physician, banker, promoter of industries and organizer of important commercial interests, his life has been one of untiring industry, business sagacity and unquestioned uprightness.

Philanthropic movements have found in him a stanch supporter. The hospital, churches, and charitable societies, generally, have had his help. The poor in him have found a friend. The extent of his benevolent contributions will probably never be known, for “he has not sounded a trumpet before him.”

The educational interests of the city have had in him an enthusiastic supporter and a sound counselor. He served for years on the board of Lima College, which1 is at last emerging into a place of great usefulness and promise, under the competent and energetic leadership of that distinguished educator, President C. C. Miller.

A minor matter, and yet one that has endeared Dr. Baxter to thousands, is the hospitality which has marked “Baxter Place.” Its beautiful grounds have witnessd many public gatherings,- high school reunions, sacred concerts on Sunday afternoons, or, perchance, a reception to a Governor or other public officials, in which cases the spacious residence was also the scene of a hospitality which kept alive the fine old traditions of the courtly South. On such occasions and, indeed, throughout his entire career, the winning, gracious and cultured personality of Mrs. Baxter (loved in all relationships, though modest and retiring as the violet) contributed to their success.

Such a life is a valuable asset of any community. To young men of ambition, industry and ability, it is an incentive to seek a career that will serve not selfish interests alone, but by integrity of conduct and promotion of the public good, to lead their age a little higher on Humanity’s upward path, which at last shall be crowned with the light of a perfect civilization.


From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906



