M. U. Basinger
One of the leading business men of Lima is M. U. Basinger, whose large jewelry establishment is situated at No. 63 Public Square, and who is an experienced manufacturer in this line as well as a dealer in cut glass and diamonds. Mr. Basinger is a native of Putnam County, Ohio born in 1868.
Mr. Basinger remained on the home farm until he had reached the age of 19 years, alternately farming and attending the local schools. He accompanied his mother when she removed to Ada, and remained there three years, coming then to Lima. At that time one $5 bill represented his capital in money, but in addition he possessed youth, health, ambition and persistent industry, and, in time, this strong combination of qualities brought about a large degree of prosperity. For the first six months, after contracting with D. A. McComb, then a leading jeweler of Lima, the young man worked for the sum of $4 per week. By the end of the period, his employer realized that he had secured an honest, intelligent, capable and industrious assistant, and was willing to retain him on a living salary. Mr. Basinger remained until 1893, when Mr. McComb retired and was succeeded by the firm of Basinger & Company, its members being M. U. Basinger and William Melville. This partnership lasted until 1897, when Mr. Basinger sold his interest to his partner and founded an independent business. He continued alone for one year and then associated himself with Mr. Cameron, the firm remaining as Basinger & Cameron until February, 1903. Then Mr. Basinger sold his interest to Mr. Cameron, and in the following May opened his present fine establishment on the Public Square. He conducts a very large business in the manufacturing line, and carries a valuable stock of jewelry, cut glass and expensive gems. He is also interested in other business enterprises, one of these being the Humane Horse Shoe Company.
On September 25, 1895, Mr. Basinger was married to Blanche Douglass, who for some five years previously had been a teacher in the Lima schools, and is a daughter of J. C. Douglass, of Forest, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Basinger have two children Warren and Helen. Mr. Basinger is a member of the Market Street Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder and the treasurer. His fraternal relations are with the Tribe of Ben Hur, Modern Woodmen of America and Knights of Pythias.