Lon S. Brower
Lon S. Brower, one of the well-known residents of German township, resides on his valuable farm of 100 acres, which is just three and a half miles west of the Court House in Lima, and just south of the Allentown road. Mr. Brower was born in Sugar Creek township, Allen County, Ohio, November 22, 1854, and is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Stevens) Brower.
The great-grandfather of Mr. Brower came to America from Holland, settled in Pennsylvania and later moving to Virginia. There his son, John Brower, was born and spent his whole life. Joseph Brower, father of Lon S., was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, and came to Allen County, when 16 years of age, settling in Sugar Creek township , where he lived all through his active life, casting every vote there until 1896, when he took up his home with our subject. He married Elizabeth Stevens who was born at Pettsburg, Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of John Stevens who emigrated from Carmarthenshire, South Wales. They had three sons and one daughter Viz: Rachel, who died aged nine years; John, who died aged six years; Abraham L., a college graduate of Lebanon, Ohio, and later principal of the schools of Seattle, Washington, where he resides, who married Ella Stemen, of Logan County, Ohio; and Lon S., of this sketch.
Lon S. Brower was reared and educated in Sugar Creek township and has followed agricultural pursuits all his life. For eight years after his marriage he lived in Sugar Creek township, and then purchased his present farm from his brother-in-law, A. Young. It is one of the most valuable farms in the county; while Mr. Brower carries on general farming he makes a specialty of raising corn, as do many of his neighbors.
Mr. Brower was married December 18, 1879, to Martha Pfiefer, who is a daughter of Nicholas Pfiefer, one of the pioneers of German township. The ceremony took place in the home which they now occupy, Mrs. Brower at that time residing with her sister, Mrs. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Brower have two daughters Blanche and Hazel. The former was born June 28, 1881, and was married to Jacob Bowers of Canton, Ohio, November 24, 1904. They were classmates at Lima College, where both graduated. They reside at Fostoria, Ohio, where Mr. Brower is principal of the schools. Hazel, the second daughter, was born August 1, 1885, and is an accomplished young lady, a graduate of the Lima High School. Mr. Brower is a stanch member of the Republican Party and is serving his township as a member of the School Board.