Capt. John M. Bingham
Capt. John M. Bingham, auditor of the National Roofing Tile Company, of Lima, with offices in the Masonic Building, is one of the city's well-known and representative men. he was born in 1865 at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and is a son of the late John M. Bingham and a member of one of the oldest families of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
Captain Bingham was reared in Warren County, in his native State, attending school until the age of 12 years. After working there on a farm for several years, he became a clerk in a general mercantile store at West Newton. He clerked also at Jamestown, New York, and in 1882 was engaged for some months in the same line at Cherry Grove, during the period of the oil excitement at that point. From there he went to Bradford and again was connected with a mercantile establishment. coming to Lima in 1887, he was for one year in the shoe business and for three years was interested in a grocery. In 1892 he entered the employ of the C., H. & D. Railway Company. He filled various positions with this corporation, finally becoming chief clerk to C. H. Cory, who is chief of the department of motive power of this line. In April, 1905, he accepted the position of auditor with the National Roofing Tile Company and has a number of other interests.
Captain Bingham has been more or less prominent in military affairs ever since March 29, 1888, when he enlisted as a private in Company C, Second Regiment, Ohio National Guard, of which he was made corporal in 1891, sergeant in 1892, 2nd lieutenant, June 15, 1892, being recommissioned as lieutenant on June 15, 1897. On April 1, 1899, he was commissioned captain and adjutant on December 12, 1899. In June, 1903, he resigned, but was reappointed on June 20th. During the Spanish-American War he served as 2nd lieutenant of Company C, Second Ohio Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, from May 10, 1898, until February 10, 1899. During his term of service in the United States army his regiment was in camp at Knoxville, Chickamauga and Macon. He is one of the best-known military men, in connection with the State organization in Northwestern Ohio.
On October 3, 1899, Captain Bingham was married to Catherine Lawlor, who is a daughter of P. H. Lawlor, of Lima. One son, Charles, has been born to this union.
Captain Bingham was a charter member of Lodge No. 436, Knights of Columbus, at Lima, and was its financial treasurer. He belongs also to the United Spanish War Veterans, and to the Knights of St. John. For many years he has been a member of St. Rose Catholic Church, and for an extended period was leader of its noted choir.