Ohio Biographies

J. Clinton Beiler

J. Clinton Beiler resides on a farm of 80 acres in section 14, German township, and is one of the thrifty, influential men of Allen County. He was born on the Van Wert County side of the canal in Delphos, Ohio, on April 20, 1850, and is a son of John and Margaret (Cunningham) Beiler family was established in America early in the 18th century, when the great-grandfather of our subject, Joseph Beiler, came from Germany and settled in Pennsylvania. He afterwards moved to Carroll County, Ohio, where he reared a family, among whom was David Beiler, who was born February 2, 1772. David Beiler remained in Carroll County and there married Nancy Summers. Among the children born to them was the father of our subject John Beiler, who is a resident of Boston.

Through his mother's people, Mr. Beiler traces his ancestors back to Patrick Cunningham, of the Manor Cunningham, of Clough, Ireland, who died in 1644. The first one to come to America was John Cunningham who settled in Philadelphia in 1737, and died there in 1776 at the advanced age of 95 years. In 1832 William Cunningham came from Knox County Illinois, to Allen County, where he is still represented by numerous descendants. Mrs. John Beiler was a daughter of Archibald Cunningham and was the mother of 10 children, namely: William Beibb, born December 4, 1845, who was killed June 27, 1864, in the battle of Kenesaw Mountian; Samuel L., born June 30, 1847; J. Clinton; Clara, born January13, 1852, who married A. A. Starkweather and died August 29, 1898; Flora, born May 13, 1853, and deceased on October 4th following; Adam Clark, born August 17, 1854, deceased January 17, 1892; Emery Fremont, born March 15, 1856; Emma Summers born March 15, 1856, deceased September 18, 1858; Josephine, born April 7, 1858, who became the wife of Frank Lochhead, and died December 7, 1894; and David Lincoln, born July 4, 1860, who died on August 21st of the following year.

Mr. Beiler received his education in the district schools and the Ohio Wesleyan University. He has been a farmer all his life. His farm of 80 acres, which he has placed in a high state of cultivation and improved by remodeling and adding to the buildings, is one of the most attractive and beautiful in German township. He was married on April 25, 1880, to Ida Faze, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Smith) Faze, of this county. She is a granddaughter of Nicholas and Cordelia Faze, who were of French- German descent and who came to the United States from Germany in 1819. Mrs. Beiler was born March 31, 1852, in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Mr. Beiler believes in higher education for women and has given his children college training. They have four children, viz: Edna M., the eldest, born March 2, 1881, is a graduate of Lima College, class of 1903. After teaching two years in the Allen County Children's Home, she accepted a position in District No. 6, Sugar Creek Township. Ethel Elizabeth, born October 31, 1883, was graduated from the same college in 1904. She is now teaching in German township. Ida Zoe, born November 30, 1885, will graduate from Lima College in the class of 1906. Cora Lois, the youngest of the family, was born January 6, 1891. The family are Methodists, being members of Wesley Chapel in German township, where Mr. Beiler has served as trustee, class-leader and superintendent of the Sunday-school. He is a Republican in politics.



