Ohio Biographies

Homer Clark Bennett, M.D., M.E., Ph.G., D.P., M.Ph.

Homer Clark Bennett, M.D., M.E., Ph.G., D.P., M.Ph., editor and publisher of The Electro-Therapeutist, a monthly journal of electricity as applied in medicine and surgery issued at Lima, a member of the faculty of the National College of Electro-Therapeutists, and an author of numerous works on electro-medical treatment, is one of the leading physicians in his school of practice. Dr. Bennett was born in 1865, in Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio, and is one of a family of three children born to his parents, the late Rev. Silas Bennett, A. M., D. D., an eminent divine, and Catherine K. (Clark) Bennett.

Dr. Bennett's education along literary lines was liberal, including the common and high scchool courses, at Batavia, Woodward High School, at Cincinnati, and Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio. After leaving college, he was trained in business methods for two years at Bellefontaine, Ohio. For four year, 1886-89, Dr. Bennett was engaged almost continuously in laboratory and medical study and he received medical derees and diplomas from the medical department of the University of Wooster (now Delaware), Cleveland, Ohio, in 1888; from the medical department of the University of Cincinnati (the Medical College of Ohio), in 1889, at the latter institution winning the coveted Dawson prize, and handsome gold medal for the best surgical dissection. This was but the first of many honors won.

During these four years of study and close application, for five months he served as director of the Clinical Medical Dispensary in Cleveland, and for 10 weeks as chief dispensary clerk of the Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati.

In 1888 Dr. Bennett located for the practice of medicine at Bellefontaine, Ohio, entering into partnership with his preceptor, Edwin A. Swan, M. D., M. E., e of the best diagnosticians in the State. This connection brought the young physician into a large and varied general practice, an advantage he duly appreciated. While her he first made a special study of diseases of the eye and refractive errors and has already won attention by his careful and thoughtful methods, when he became still more deeply interested in the then young science of electro-therapeutics, and soon took up work on that line, recognizing its great value from the beginning. In search of a wider field for his operations he removed to Lima in 1889, and this city has been his home ever since (except for an interval of 10 months in 1896), and here he has won honors and reaped large financial rewards. During the interval above mentioned, Dr. Bennett served as superintendent of a large mineral-water bath and electric cure sanitarium, in Indiana.

Dr. Bennett's success in his chosen line, as exhibited in his successful experiments and his useful inventions of electrodes and apparatus, as well as his numerous contributions to the medical and electrical press, attracted the faculty of the National College of Electro-Therapetics, at Indianapolis, Indiana, where he went for a course of instruction, who tendered him a position in that body, in 1896, and he has been associated with this well-established institution ever since.

This college, which is now known through- out the entire world, was the first correspondence school of its kind ever organized. It was founded in January, 1896, and has ever since been doing an extensive increasing correspondence. Its teaching has extended to every continent, the records showing that it has satisfactorily and successfully given instruction in electro- therapeutics to over 2,000 students at their homes, many of whom afterward came to the college seeking personal instruction, a number of whom have become noted specialists.

When the health of the founder, Dr. William F. Howe, gave way, and he was compelled on this account to seek a different climate, the school was removed to Lima, Ohio, and Dr. Bennett was elected general secretary and treasurer of the college, and assumed entire charge of the correspondence and business part of the school work. He also became the editor and publisher of the college journal, The Electro-Therapeutist, which has met with much public favor, and has just closed its ninth year's volume. Dr. Bennett gives personal instruction in general electro-therapeutics, and the demonstration of apparatus, and technique, to students. He also enjoys an extensive and lucrative practice in his specialty, in electrodes are being sold, and are in use, all over the world. They are constructed on scientific principles, and each year finds them more in demand, as the medical profession, and public becomes more and more convinced of the great value of electricity as a remedy. Dr. Bennett's private offices are equipped with an elaborate and extensive selection of up-to-date electrical apparatus, much of which is of original design and construction.

Dr. Bennett has been and still continues to be, a prolific writer in his special line. He is the author, editor and publisher of the "Electro- Therapeutic Guide," which is recognized as the most condensed, concise and thoroughly practical book on the subject, which has ever been issued. It is intended particularly for the use of the busy physician, and it contains the only complete electro-medical dictionary. Its popularity may be judged by the fact that the demand has already exhausted six popular editions and the seventh is now in use. Dr. Bennett has also complete and scientific resume of the subject of electrocution, to which he has devoted a great deal of scientific study.

In addition to medical degrees mentioned, Dr. Bennett has received the reguar degree of Master of Electro-Therapeutics, from the National College of Electro-Therapeutics, this honor being given in Indiana and he has also been the recipient of the same, as an "honorary degree," from the Eastern College of Electro-Therapeutics, at Philadelphia. He holds diplomas conferring both the regular and post-graduate title of Ph. G. from the Ohio Institute of Pharmacy at Columbus. and the degree of D. P., form Chicago School of Psychology. He also was given the first "honorary degree" of master of Physiological- Therapeutics, form the Cincinnati Post- Graduate School of Physiological-Therapeutics, and is a consultant to that institution. For several years he served as city physician and also as a member of the Lima Board of Health, and has been examiner for a number of leading life insurance companies. He thus has has a wide and varied experience in treating all kinds and classes of ailments, and he is often consulted and quoted as an authority in matters electro-medical.

Dr. Bennett is a valued member of the National Society of Electro-Therapeutics, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, and is a charter member of the American Roentgen Ray Society, and of the American Electro-Medical Society, of which he was vice-president in 1904. At its convention in 1905, when the name was changed to that of the American Progressive Therapeutic Society, Dr. Bennett was honored by election to the presidency. As is natural, other schools and counties want his services and influence, and he has received numerous flattering offers, from prominent metropolitan specialists, schools and electrical houses, to leave Lima for other point, all of which he has declined, preferring his present congenial field.

On January 19, 1887, Dr. Bennett married Carried Elizabeth Deeds, of Bellefontaine, Ohio. They have one son Clark Leroy, The home of Dr. Bennett and family is located at No. 125 North Pierce street, Lima. In 1901 the Doctor built a handsome four-story apartment residence building at Lima, known as the "Elektron," which he subsequently sold. Its total cost was $25,282.76, and the sale was effected at a considerably higher figure and was consummated June 17, 1905.

In national politics Dr. Bennett is affiliated with the Republican party, but his busy life gives him very little opportunity to be an active politician, even if his tastes led in that direction. However, he finds time for many social pleasures in his hospitable home, and in numerous fraternal orders. He is an Odd Fellow, a Modern Woodman, a Good Templar, an Oriental, a Khorassan, and is a prominent member of the Senate team of the famous Lima Lodge No. 91, Knights of Pythias.

Dr. Bennett is well and favorably known both at home and abroad, as a physician, scientist, inventor, author, poet, and student. In addition to his scientific writings, he has also written many beautiful poems, which have been pronounced by able critics to be "literary gems," and which have been widely copied, in both literary and medical publications. If questioned what he considers three of his greatest blessings, it is probable that he would reply in his genial way: "to be alive at the beginning of the 20th century; to be young; and to be in the enjoyment of splendid health. That he may continue to enjoy these blessings which promise future usefulness and assed honors, and, as youth necessarily departs, find just as desirable middle and advanced age, is the united wish of thousands who have come under his influence either personally of through his writings.



