Harry O. Bentley
Harry O. Bentley, city attorney of Lima and junior member of the law firm of Wheeler & Bentley, was born April 14, 1873, and is a son of Winfield Scott and Mary (Anderson) Bentley.
The father of Mr. Bentley was born in Allen County, Ohio, and now lives retired at Bluffton. He reared two children.
Mr. Bentley attended the public schools of Bluffton and at an unusually early age entered upon the study of the law, entering the office of the well-known firm of Ridenour & Halfhill, at Lima. From their tuition he entered the Ohio Normal University, where he was graduated from the department of law in 1896, in the same year entering into practice at Lima. On July 1, 1902, he entered into partnership with S. S. Wheeler, and in April of the same year he was elected city attorney on the Republican ticket. The firm occupies commodious quarters, consisting of four rooms in the Holland Block, these not being, however, too large for the amount of business transacted. His administration of the office of city attorney has distinguished him as a man of far more than ordinary ability. He has many personal and political friends.
Mr. Bentley was united in marriage with Blanche Neff, who is a daughter of Henry W. Neff, a well-known citizen of Lima, and they have one daughter Jane. Mr. Bentley and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their pleasant residence is situated at No. 317 West North street.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906