Ohio Biographies

Frederick Philip Beutner

Frederick Philip Beutner, one of Allen County's prominent farmers and good citizens, who resides on his well-improved farm of 169 acres, located in section 27, Marion township belongs to one of the pioneer families of this locality. He was born at Delphos, Allen County, Ohio, April 7, 1862, and is a son of Frederick and Johanna (Frombach) Beutner.

Frederick Beutner was born in the same year that witnessed the birth of Queen Victoria, of England. His parents were honest, industrious Germans and he was born in Germany, February 25, 1819, and learned the trade of shoemaker when he was still a very young man. As a journeyman he traveler over a large part of Europe. After working for some years in that way, he decided to try his fortune in America. He landed from a sailing vessel at New York, with but 50 cents in his pocket. From this small capital Mr. Beutner, by industry and frugality, built up a comfortable competency and now in the evening of life, living as a beloved member of the families of his sons, as best pleases him, he is able to command a capital of no mean size. From New York he went to Buffalo and thence in 1854 to Delphos, where he opened a shop; he also bought a farm of 120 acres in section 22, Marion township. He now owns 130 acres in Allen County and a tract of 80 acres in Van Wert County.

Frederick Beutner was united in marriage, in 1854, at Buffalo, New York, to Johanna Frombach, who was born in Germany, September 4, 1827, died in Ohio, December 15, 1904, and was laid to rest December 18, 1904. They had four sons: Frederick, Carl, John Ludwig and Frederick Philip. The two older children died in infancy. John Ludwig Beutner is a prominent farmer of Marion Township, residing in section 23.

Frederick P, Beutner attended school at Delphos until he was 14 years old. He then became a cash boy in a grocery store and subsequently works under his father for a year at the shoemaking trade. Later he engaged in a harness business and worked for five years with Longsworth at Delphos. An accident by which he suffered the loss of several of his fingers compelled him to abandon work at this trade and he then went to farming, his father giving him a fine property for more than 169 acres in section 27, Marion Township. Our subject has re-ditched the farm, has built a number of substantial buildings upon it and remodeled others, each improvement adding to the value of the property. It was formerly known as the "Beutner Picnic Grounds."

On December 24, 1887, Mr. Beutner was married to Delma A. Patton, who was born March 9, 1868, in Marion township, Allen County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Andrew Jackson and Mary Jane (Moyer) Patton. The four children of this marriage are: Carl Frederick, born January 2, 1889; Robin Adair, born January 1, 1891; Donald Clair, born August 4, 1894; and Helen, born August 26, 1899.

In his religious views Mr. Beutner is liberal. He is an independent voter, casting his ballot for the candidate he judges to be most efficient.

Andrew Jackson Patton, father of Mrs. Beutner, was born September 16, 1826, in Allen County, Ohio, on the farm now occupied by Minor T. Long. He is the eldest of 10 children born to John and Rachel (Clawson) Patton, who were from Pennsylvania. The children of these Ohio pioneers were: Andrew Jackson, now in his 80th year; Hannah, Ann, Mary, Frederick, William, Philip and Susanna. John Patton died on his 40 acre farm in Allen County. His son William, who is a farmer in Marion township, was a member of the 99th Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf., from 1862 until June, 1865. He took part in the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, George. He was with Sherman in the great "March to the Sea" and with Thomas in the campaign against Hood. In April, 1866, he married Catherine Jacobs, who was born in 1846 in Seneca County, Ohio, and they have 10 children. In 1877 he bought 23 acres of land in section 18, Marion township, on the Spencerville road.

The children of Andrew Jackson Patton and wife were 10 in number; of these the following survive: F. R., W. E., Franklin B., Josephine (Mrs. Nelson Bryan), Jacob S. and Delma A., wife of our subject. The two youngest members of the family (twins) died at birth, with their mother.

Mr. Patton is one of the representative men of Marion township and he has done much in the way of its material development. As the result of his individual efforts, 220 acres were cleared from the native forest.



