Fred L. Bates, M.D.
Fred L. Bates, M. D., one of the most thoroughly equipped physicians and surgeons of Lima, and the junior member of the inportant firm of general practitioners, Vail & Bates, was born at Bryan, Ohio, November 29, 1866, and is a son of Rev. John L. and Mary (Law) Bates, being one of a family of two children.
Fred L. Bates received his early educational training in the public schools and the Sidney High School, then commenced his colligate work in the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware. He read medicine with Dr. S. Brumbaugher, of Dayton, Ohio, was graduated at the American Eclectic Medical College in 1888, and then matriculated at the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, where he was graduated in 1889. In 1896 he spent three months at the great Ormond Hospital for sick children, in London, England. Dr. Bates has built up a fine practice in Lima and the vicinity, and is known and respected as an able member of his profession. he has kept fully abreast of the times and in 1904 took post-graduate course at the Chicago Polyclinic. He is instructor in anatomy and physiology in the training school for nurses of Lima Hospital, and was formerly professor of chemistry and advanced phsiology in Lima College. He is assistant surgeon for the Pennsylvania and Lake Erie & Western railroads and medical examiner for the Canada Life Assurance Association, the Washington Life Insurance Company, the Bankers' Life Insurance Company and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. He is a valued member of the Allen County Medical Society, of the Ohio State Medical Society, of the Northwestern Ohio Medical Association and of the American Medial Association, attending their sessions and frequently contributing to their literature.
Besides being prominent in his profession, Dr. Bates is also one of the city's clear-headed, public-spirited citizens. For the past eight years he has been a member of the Lima Board of Education and has served as its able president. He has served on the medical staff of the Lima Hospital and in every way has demonstrated a helpful interest in the general welfare of the residents of the city where he makes his home.
In political sympathy Dr. Bates is a strong Republican. His fraternal connection is limited to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. He has well appointed offices in the Opera House Block.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906