Rev. Frank Philip Bossart
Rev. Frank Philip Bossart, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, came to Lima in the fall of 1899 to take up his present charge. He is a thoroughly educated churchman, having received his academic education at Thiel College and his theological education at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. His former pastorates were in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Buffalo, New York, in both of which cities he organized new congregations which have steadily grown in power and influence. The beautiful new St. John's Church, of Pittsburg, costing $33,000, was built during his pastorate in that city, and the Church of the Redeemer, of Buffalo, now having about 500 members, was organized during the first years of his ministry in that city. He is known in the Church as a good preacher, an earnest worker, a successful organizer and a pleasant gentleman. During his ministry in Lima he has at various times addressed the prominent fraternal organizations and is known for his candor and firmness in dealing with public questions. He has served a term as president of the Luther League of Ohio, and is a member of the topics committee of the Luther League of America, whose duty it is to prepare subjects of study for the young. He has for three years been secretary of the District Synod of Ohio, and has been president for two years past of the Northern Conference of said synod. Last fall he was called to Binghamton, New York, and for a time was undecided, but his Lima congregation spoke in no uncertain terms and the happy relation so long cherished between pastor and people still continues.