F. M. Bell
F. M. Bell, a wholesale merchant of Lima, was born in 1859 at Spring Hill, Champaign County, Ohio, and is the son of the late William Bell, of Lima.
William Bell was one of the most enterprising citizens that ever resided in Lima, and his prosperity was of such a nature that the entire community was benefited by it. He was a stockholder in The Ohio National Bank, and owned much fine residence property, and erected the Bell Block on Main Street, adjoining the Opera House Block. This structure is three stories high and 200 feet deep, with a 75 foot frontage one of the best business blocks in the city. Mr. Bell's death in 1902, was an irreparable loss to the community.
The parents of our subject came to Lima in 1864, and it was here he reached man's estate. Having finished the primary schools, he entered Notre Dame University in 1880, graduating from that institution four years later. He at once entered into partnership with F. E. Harman, for five years conducting a house furnishing establishment under the firm name of Harman & Bell. Mr. Bell then became interested in the production of oil, and was thus engaged for about five years, when the Spanish American War enlisted his sympathies. He was Captain of Company C, Second Ohio Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, and was in active service for about one year, being stationed at Columbus, Ohio; Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Macon Georgia. He took part in the grand review at Chickamauga and was mustered out in February, 1899. Returning to Lima, Mr. Bell embarked in his present business, and is well equipped to meet almost any call for photographers', jewelers' and dental supplies. He transacts a large volume of business, both retail and wholesale, drawing his trade from an extensive territory about Lima.
In 1898 Mr. Bell was married to Lelia Kelly, daughter of Rev. John Kelly, a retired Presbyterian minister, of Chandlersville, Muskingum County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have two children Eleanor and Harold. They are members of the Market Street Presbyterian Church at Lima. Mr. Bell is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias. He served as chief of police during the mayoralty of Samuel A. Baxter, who first organized and systematized the force.