Eugene Jacob Barr, M.D.
Eugene Jacob Barr, M. D., who is efficiently serving his second term as sheriff of Allen County, was for 15 years a recognized and successful medical practitioner throughout Champaign and Allen Counties, Ohio. He was born in Auglaize County, Ohio, September 21, 1857, and s a son of Dr. Tobias and Margaret (Weaver) Barr. Dr. Tobias Barr was a well-known physician in his day. He died in 1857, leaving two children.
Eugene Jacob Barr first attended school in Clark County, Ohio, but when he was 12 years old he went to Lebanon Ohio, and there continued his studies. For some time he taught school through Clark and Champaign Counties and then entered the Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati, where he was graduated March 3, 1880. In 1885 he settled in Allen County and continued to practice his profession until 1895 when he engaged in the oil and timber business, in which he continued to be interested until he was elected to his first term as sheriff of the county, in 1901. His opponent was William McComb. In 1903 public approbation of his administration was shown by a reelection for the second term of two years. He has always been a strong supporter of the Democratic Party. In addition to his duties as a public official, Dr. Barr attends to the management of the Consolidated Bottling Company, of Lima, manufacturers of soft drinks, and he is also largely interested in Southern lumber, and is an official of the Ohio Hardwood Lumber Company.
In 1877 Dr. Barr was married to Sadie C. Michael, of Tremont City, and to this union was born one child, Ortha. In 1883 Dr. Barr was married to Mattie A. Miller, who is a daughter of John G. Miller, and they have one child Mabel. The family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Fraternally Dr. Barr is a Knight of Pythias and an Elk. He is a man qualified for the important position he so efficiently fills. The work of the sheriff's office requires the assistance of two deputies. He has a large personal following, being popular with all classes, both professionally, personally and officially.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906