R. W. Argue
R. W. Argue, one of the prominent business men of Lima, a leader in the oil-producing business and identified with many of the city's important and successful business enterprises, is a native of Canada, where his early life was spent and where his education was secured.
Mr. Argue has been connected with the oil-producing business since the beginning of his business life. From Canada he went to the oil fields of Pennsylvania and thence to Bolivar, New York, and in 1901 he came to Lima, where he became largely interested in the oil fields. He has other interests in the fields of Kansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma, having some 60 wells in the West and about 90 in Ohio. His properties are all wonderfully productive and conveniently located. He is one of the directors of The Lima Trust Company and is a member of its finance committee. In his many business combinations, Mr. Argue has shown the acumen and foresight of a real captain of industry and has a financial standing which has made him a dominating force in the city's commercial life. During his residence here he has also proven himself a citizen who performs with credit to himself and satisfaction to others, the multiform duties imposed upon a man of large and important affairs. Mr. Argue was married in 1880 to Eva Allport, formerly of Canada, and they have four children, viz.: May, Edith, Ethel and Walter. The eldest daughter has recently returned from a delightful European trip. The family is prominent in the city's social life.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906