Ohio Biographies

Edwin Clyde Akerman

Edwin Clyde Akerman, auditor elect of Allen County, Ohio, and one of the best known educators in this section of the State, was born June 2, 1864, on a farm located one mile and a half northeast of LaFayette, Allen County, Ohio. He is a son of William Henry and Mary Jane (Ransbottom) Akerman.

The grandfather of Mr. Akerman, William Henry Akerman, was a native of Pennsylvania. He came from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Ohio, in 1833, settling first in Morgan County, but removing later to a farm near LaFayette, Allen County, where he lived to a good old age and reared a family of 13 children, giving three of his sons Samuel, John and Henry to the service of their country during the Civil War. He died October 9, 1878.

William Henry Akerman, Jr., father of our subject, was born in Jackson Township, Allen County, Ohio, April 17, 1840, and almost all his brief life was spent in this locality, engaged in farming and teaching school. In 1862 he enlisted in the Union Army as a member of the 81st Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf., and was the bugler of the regiment and subsequently was advanced to the rank of captain of his company. After nine months of faithful service, he was honorably discharged. His lamented death took place on October 25, 1868. In commenting upon his decease, a local paper gave expression to the general feeling in these words: "A model young man and the idol of the neighborhood." On January 1, 1863, he married Mary Jane Ransbottom, and two children were born to them, viz: Edwin Clyde and Walter Clinton, the latter of whom died aged one year and 10 months. The mother was born in Sugar Creek township, Allen County, Ohio, October 2, 1840, and is a daughter of Wesley B. and Emily (Wright) Ransbottom, natives of Virginia. She still survives, being an esteemed resident of LaFayette.

Edwin Clyde Akerman was left fatherless at the age of four years. He was seven years old when he removed from the farm to LaFayette and he remained in that village until 23 years of age, attending school until his 17th year. He then began to teach and has continued in this profession until the present time. In 1887 he became principal of the Bluffton High School and filled the position most satisfactorily, He remained in charge for four years and then resigned in order to complete his college course in the Ohio Normal University, where he was graduated in 1892, with honors.

It was in 1892 that he received a High School life certificate and in the same year was elected to the superintendency of the public schools of Elida, Ohio. In 1897 he returned to Bluffton to assume charge of the high school and he remained in that position until 1900, when he was elected superintendent of the schools of Bluffton. For these important positions Mr. Akerman proved to be eminently qualified. Politically, Mr. Akerman has always been identified with the Democratic Party. He was elected to the office of county auditor in November, 1905, his election being not entirely a party favor but in large part a token of personal popularity.

He is one of the valued members of the Allen County Teachers' Association, the Northwestern Ohio Teachers' Association and the Ohio State Teachers' Association.

Mr. Akerman was married August 27, 1888, to Sarah Augusta Butterfoss, who was born in Hardin County, Ohio, and is a daughter of C. W. and Millie (Roby) Butterfoss. They have two children Audrey and Opal. The family belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church and since 1895 Mr. Akerman has been secretary of the official board. On January 1, 1901, he assumed the duties of Sunday-school superintendent. In fraternal life he is a Mason, an Odd Fellow and a Woodman.



