Rev. Marion Morrison
Rev. Marion Morrison was born in Adams County, Ohio, June 2, 1821. He received his common school education in a log schoolhouse near his father's home. He taught school three winters, continuing to work on the farm in the summer. In 1842, he started to college at Miami University, Oxford. Ohio, graduated in 1846, and was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Chillicothe Presbytery, April, 1849, and was ordained by the same August 21, 1858. He was Pastor of Tranquility congregation for six years. He was elected as Professor of Mathematics in Monmouth College, Illinois, in 1856 and served in that capacity until the autumn of 1862. He was Chaplain of the 9th Illinois Regiment from August, 1863, until August, 1864. He published the Western Presbyterian for several years at Monmouth, Illinois; was pastor of Fairfield, Illinois, congregation from January 1, 1866, until December, 1870; of Amity, Iowa, from March 1, 1871, until August 30, 1876. He was appointed general missionary by the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church for Nebraska and Kansas and served in that capacity for one year. He was pastor of Mission Creek Church from April 1, 1878. until December 1, 1889; was pastor of the U. P. congregation at Starkville, Miss., for about one and a half years. When there, he broke down with nervous prostration and had to abandon the active work of the ministry. He returned to Mission Creek. Nebraska, and has made his home with his only daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth Barr, ever since, preaching only occasionally when able.
He received the degree of D. D. from Monmouth College. He is the author of the "Life of the Rev. David MacDill, D. D.," and of the "History of the Ninth Regiment of the Illinois Volunteers."
Dr. Morrison has been a whole-souled, industrious, active and earnest preacher.
From "History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time" - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900