Erastus Monteith Gaston, M.D.
Erastus Monteith Gaston, M. D., of Tranquility, Ohio, was born November 10, 1849, at that place. His father's name was Daniel Gaston and his mother's maiden name was Mary Kirker Kane. His father was a Justice of the Peace of Scott Township from 1853 to 1865. The boyhood and youth of our subject was spent on his father's farm. He worked in Summer and studied in Winter. At the age of fourteen, he attended the North Liberty Academy under Dr. David McDill, for three years. He taught school one term and then began the study of medicine with David McBride. M. D., and continued with him for three years. He attended lectures at the Cincinnati College of Medicine in 1869 and 1870. and in 1871 he attended the Miami Medical College, and graduated in 1871. He began the practice of medicine at Staunton, in Fayette County, Ohio, and remained there one year. He then located in Tranquility, where he has remained ever since and has enjoyed a large and lucrative practice all that time. He has always had the confidence and patronage of the leading citizens of his community.
In politics he has always been a Republican and taken an active interest. In 1891, he was appointed one of the Pension Examining Surgeons of Adams County, and served until the close of President Harrison's administration. In 1899, he was reappointed to the same office, which he is now holding. In 1899, he was the Republican candidate for Treasurer of Adams County and was beaten by only nineteen votes by Henry Gaffin. At the age of fourteen, he united with the United Presbyterian Church in Tranquility, and in 1874 was made a ruling elder. He was married to Nancy J. Brown, daughter of Jacob N. Brown, late of Cincinnati. Their children are David N. Gaston, of Eden, Illinois; John J. Gaston, of Roddy, Tennessee; Charles O. Gaston, of Tranquility, and Mary Edna Gaston.
As a physician, Doctor Gaston has great ability, recognized both by his medical brethren and by the public. He possesses the highest character for morality and integrity and enjoys the esteem and respect of all who know him. We asked a Republican friend of his to give us a character estimate of him and we give the answer verbatim, as follows:
"Dr. Gaston is a Christian gentleman in the highest and truest meaning of the term. His personal conduct is above reproach. In his dealings with his fellow men he is most kind and considerate. There is no favor he would withhold from a friend and he would scorn to do even an enemy an injustice." Being all the above, he could be nothing else than a good citizens, fearless and conscientious in the discharge of every public and private duty. All he would seek to know would be which is the right side of any question affecting public or private interests, and he would take that side without hesitation. He is a thorough believer in the principles and traditions of the Republican party and there is no right sacrifice he would not make to promote its success. In 1899, without his knowledge, he was nominated by his party for a most responsible county office, that of County Treasurer. His better judgment and inclination was to decline the nomination. Feeling that he owed it to his party to do otherwise, at great sacrifice of private interests and suffering at the time greatly on account of a broken limb, he accepted the trust, and had his party that high apprehension it should have had of the many and valuable sacrifices he was making for it. he would have been triumphantly elected.
He is a most successful physician, having a large practice in one of the best communities of his county. He is possessed of a most happy, cheerful disposition, which he takes with him into the sick room. This is almost an inspiration in itself, and in many cases it is the best medicine a physician can have for his patients. In conclusion, we believe him to be as "good an all around man" as there is in the county, and our people would be vastly better off if we had many more like him.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900