Jorden L. Foster
Jorden L. Foster, of Manchester, was born December 1, 1824, in Greene Township, Adams County. He is a son of Nathaniel Foster and Martha Hayslip, his wife, a daughter of Richard Hayslip. The grandfather of our subject was Nathaniel Foster, Sr., who emigrated from New Jersey in 1796, and settled in Greene Township on Ohio Brush Creek, opposite the mouth of Beasley's Fork. He was a Revolutionary soldier and his record as such is given in this volume under that title.
Jorden L. Foster was brought up on a farm in Sprigg Township, where he resided until his marriage to Elizabeth J. Campbell, daughter of Alexander Campbell and Mary Keith, February 2, 1854. Mary Keith Campbell was a daughter of Dr. Joseph D. Keith, a pioneer physician of Adams County, and whose practice extended from Chillicothe to Cincinnati. He was a Revolutionary soldier and a surgeon in a Virginia Regiment.
The children of our subject are Sarah, married to Wilson A. Russell; Alexander C, who married Iva Osman. and Hannah, who resides at home.
Our subject enlisted as a private in Company E, 91st O. V. I., August 9, 1862, and served under Sheridan and Cook in the Shenandoah Valley. He was at New River Bridge, Stephenson's Depot, Winchester, Opequan, Cedar Creek, and many other important engagements. He was honorably discharged June 27, 1865.
He is an ardent Republican, and a member of the M. E- Church.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900