Alfred Rust Fulton
Alfred Rust Fulton was born in Frankllin Township, Adams County, November 28, 1834. His father, David Fulton, and his mother, Phoebe Gibson, were both natives of Loudon County, Virginia, and resided near Upperville. They came to Ohio in 1833. At that time they had four children, sons. They had five children born in Ohio, our subject and two daughters. He obtained his education in the common schools and was brought up to be a farmer. He was one of the few young men of Adams County who never taught schools. He enlisted in Company E, First Ohio Heavy Artillery, August 22, 1862, at the age of twenty-nine years and served until the twentieth of June, 1865. This service was upon his conscience, as has been everything in his life. On November 7, 1867. he was maried to Miss Lydia Potts, of Marble Furnace, a daughter of Samuel Potts.
They have three children, sons, Thomas, Clarence, who married Miss Jennie Williams and resides in Loudon; Charles Gibson, formerly a teacher, but now a clerk in an iron ore establishment at Sparta, Minn.; Homer Clayton, a lawyer in Duluth, Minn.
Mr. Fulton's father was a Whig and Republican and he has always been a Republican. He is a member of the Methodist Church in Loudon and lives his faith every day.
He owns and cultivates over five hundred acres of good land, and everything about him has an air of care and thrift. His word is as good as his bond and the latter is redeemable in gold on demand at any time. Mr. Fulton has acquired a competence and knows how to enjoy it. He has a pleasant home where he is surrounded by all the comforts of life and can spend the days of his old age in peace. No man stands higher in the esteem of his neighbors and the public, and his life and character entitle him to this estimate. If good works would send any one to Heaven, Mr. Fulton is sure of it. but his good works all proceed from principle and from a sense of Christian duty and obligation.