Thomas L. Bratten
Thomas L. Bratten was born in Locust Grove, Ohio, December 17, 1874, the son of Charles H. Bratten and Caroline Leedom, his wife. He has an intermingling of Scotch, Irish, English and Swedish blood in his veins. He is one of seven children. As a boy, he was honest and good-natured, but would always fight if necessary. He was content to have but one friend among the boys, and would attach himself greatly to that one. He was very fond, when a boy, of working about his father's shop, on any kind of machinery where he was permitted to do so. He was always very fond of the woods and fields, and nothing pleased him more than the privilege of strolling through them. Ezekiel Arnold gave him the name of "The World's Wanderer," for this trait.
He attended the village schools of Locust Grove until he was eighteen years of age. He then began teaching. His first school was at Palestine, Franklin Township, Adams County. The next year he was engaged as Principal of the Harden schools in Scioto County. He has been engaged in Scioto County for six years with good success.
At school, he always ranked first in his classes. He has attended the Ohio Normal University at Ada, Ohio, and expects to graduate there soon. What education he has, has been obtained through his own efforts.
Mr. Bratten is a young man of the highest character. When he believes in a thing, he believes in it with all the force and power that is in him, and when he has formed a purpose, he carries it out. He inherited a disposition for information and study and is very fond of reading the best literature. He is a very successful teacher, as is shown by the fact that he has been employed in the same school year after year.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900