Newton Dunlap Baldridge
Newton Dunlap Baldridge was born December 24, 1855, in the same house in which he now resides. His father was James Wilson Baldridge, and his mother, Margaret McVey. For further information as to his ancestry, we refer to the sketch herein of his brother, James W. Balbridge.
Our subject spent his boyhood on his father's farm, (now his,) and .received a common school education. On November 3, 1881, he was married to Mary Emma, daughter of James and Elizabeth McCutcheon, of Manchester, Ohio. They have five children: Delos, Delva, Florence, Blanchard, and John, all of great promise. In his political views, Mr. Baldridge is a Republican. He is one of the thoroughly reliable men of Wayne Township. He is observant of everything in the community and is remarkably energetic. He is prompt in all his engagements and honest in all his dealings with others. He has never sought a place in, and would not become a part of, the administration of public affairs, but he exerts a strong and beneficial interest in his community. He is deeply interested in public education and is an earnest advocate and supporter of whatever is for the good of the public. He is a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Cherry Fork, and a ruling elder therein. He performs his duty in that office with the same zeal and earnestness which he gives to all he does. As a farmer, he is a model for all of the name. He makes farming an honor, a pleasure, and a success. He is always ready to give any good cause a helping hand. He is a man of strong convictions and of the strictest fidelity in every relation of life. He is respected as a man, esteemed as a citizen, admired as a farmer, and relied upon as a true Christian. No one in his community stands any higher than he, and no one is more deserving of such estimation.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900