Daniel Boyle
John Boyle, father of our subject, was born on the banks of the river Boyne, in Ireland, a Roman Catholic. His wife. Sarah Wilson, was reared a Presbyterian. Her father was a linen merchant, a wealthy man for his time. He never forgave his daughter for her marriage, but she adhered to her religion and converted her husband to it.
Our subject was born on the banks of the river Boyne in 1787, and emigrated to this country with his father, mother, brothers and sisters when he was eight years of age. The family located first at Shippensburg, Pa., and afterwards moved to Greensburg, in the same state, where the father died. John Boyle reared a family of nine children. Daniel had a common school education and was apprenticed to the tin and coppersmith trade in Pittsburg. His master's name was Hampshire. At the close of his apprenticeship, in 1817, he married Margaret Cox, then residing in Pittsburg, but a native of Carlisle, Pa. Daniel Boyle worked at his trade in Pittsburg and in New York and Philadelphia. He walked from Pittsburg to Philadelphia no less than seven times. In 1819 he came down the Ohio River from Pittsburg in a flatboat with his wife and household goods. Mr. Boyle left the boat at Manchester and came to West Union when the town was fifteen years old. He opened out the tinning business and carried it on there with the exception of a short time until near his death.
He bought a part of lot 67 on the corner of Main and Cherry Streets where he resided until his death. In 1829. he rented his premises and removed to Cincinnati where he and John Sparks kept an iron store. David Sinton was a clerk for them at a small salary. This venture was not profitable, and he returned to West Union after one year, where he continued his tinning business until 1872. When a young man, he made general trading trips to the South as was common at that time. While on one of these trips, he was an eye witness to the New Madrid earth quake in 1811.
He was a Justice of the Peace of Tiffin Township from January 10, 1835, until 1838, and one term was sufficient for him. He possessed the strictest integrity. He was frugal and unostentatious in his manner. He always tried to do his duty by his neighbors, and in the several cholera scourges he and his family remained in the village and did all in their power to minister to the sick and dying and to aid the families of the victims. There were born to him and his wife nine children, three sons and six daughters. Of these, Sarah, the eldest daughter, resides in the old homestead. She bears the burden of years with grace and honor. She possesses that stering character of her father, hers by birthright, and is respected and honored by all who know her.
Daniel Boyle had excellent tastes. He was fond of music, being a player on the flute and clarionet. He was also a great reader and particularly of historical subjects. He took the Cincinnati Gazette from its first issue until his death. In politics, he was a Whig and a Republican. In his religious attachments, he was a member of the United Brethren Church. His faith was strong and he was devotedly attached to his religious principles. He departed this life in the peace of God, May 29, 1874. His aged wife followed him August 26, 1876. He was a just man, who loved to render to every one his just dues. He left a memory of which his family can be proud and which posterity would do well to hold in lasting remembrance.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900