Dr. James W. Bunn
Dr. James W. Bunn, physician and pharmacist. West Union, was born at Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio, February 11, 1842. His father, John Bunn, who married Miss Jane Thompson, a native of Ireland, came from the State of Pennsylvania to Concord Township, Highland County, Ohio, in 1829, where he purchased 220 acres of land and laid out the town of Sugar Tree Ridge, naming it from its elevated position and the forest growth upon the plat. Our subject in youth was a diligent student. He attended the country schools, and later the old North Liberty Academy and the High Schools at Georgetown and Winchester, Ohio. He taught school from his seventeenth year until after his majority, when he began the study of medicine with his brother-in-law, Dr. F. J. Miller, of West Union. He attended Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio, in 1865-6, and in the latter year located at Harden, Scioto County, where he practiced his profession until 1868, when he removed to Latham in Pike County, at which place he remained until 1870, when he formed a partnership with his brother, Dr. John Ruim, at Jacksonville, Adams County. In 1872-3, he again attended Starling College, where he graduated with high honors, after which he came to West Union and entered into a partnership with Dr. Miller, where he is now actively engaged in practice.
He enlisted in the 182d O. V. I. during the Civil War, and served as Hospital Steward of the regiment with much credit. He had full control of the Medical Dispensary, and looked after the wounded and sick. His brothers Joseph and Dr. John were also members of that regiment. His youngest brother, Lewis, died at Bowling Green, Ky., while a member of the Second Ohio Battery.
Dr. Bunn married Miss Annie Hood, a daughter of John P. Hood, of West Union, September 19, 1877. They have two children living: Miss Irene, an intelligent young lady, a graduate of the West Union High School, and at present a Sophomore at Oxford College, and Eugene H., a lad now a member of the West Union High School. A son died in infancy.
Dr. Bunn is one of the most prominent physicians of Adams County. He served with marked ability as a member of the United States Pension Board, at West Union, for a period of ten years, being Secretary of the Board. He recently resigned, with the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in contact.
In politics, Dr. Bunn is a staunch Democrat of the Jacksonian type, although he has never sought political honors. He is a prominent member of the Christian Union Church at West Union.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900
Home of James W. Bunn, West Union