James W. Brown
James W. Brown, son of William Baker Brown, was born October 6, 1849, near Unity. He obtained his education in the District schools and at the North Liberty Academy. He was raised in the store at Unity. He and his brother Henry took the store in 1870, under the firm name of J. W. and H. H. Brown, and continued it until 1881. At that time he went to Georgetown and engaged in the hardware business for three years with his brother Henry. They went to Washington C. H., in 1884, the day of the cyclone. They were in partnership there in the hardware business until 1899, when Henry retired from that business.
James W. Brown was married to Mary Dill, whose home was near Bainbridge. They have one daughter, Mabel, twelve years of age. Mr. Brown is a Democrat politically, and a Presbyterian in his religious faith. He is one of the very best business men of Washington C. H. As a boy, he was honest and straightforward and upright in all his dealings, and the same qualities are intensified in him as a man. There is no man who stands higher in the business community where he is known than he.
From History of Adams County, Ohio from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time - by Nelson W. Evans and Emmons B. Stivers - West Union, Ohio - Published by E. B. Stivers - 1900