Ohio Biographies

Charles F. Taylor

Charles F. Taylor, proprietor of "The Arcade" cigar store and billiard parlor at 28 South Detroit street, Xenia, was born on a farm in Silvercreek township, this county, December 26, 1876, son of O. C. and Lucinda (McConnell) Taylor, both of whom also were born in this county and the former of whom is still living.

O. C. Taylor, a veteran of the Civil War, now living retired at Jamestown, this county, grew up on a farm in Greene county and in due time became a farmer on his own account. He served as a soldier of the Union during the Civil War and upon the completion of his military service resumed his agricultural vocation in this county, presently going to Iowa, where he spent three years, but after his marriage established his home in this county. During the latter /70s he moved with his family down into the neighboring county of Clinton and there remained for seven years, at the end of which time he returned to Greene county and here continued engaged in farming until his retirement and removal to Jamestown, where he is now living. His wife died on October 14, 1908. He and his wife were the parents of three children, the subject of this sketch having two sisters, Elma, who is living with her father in Jamestown, and Rosa, who married Thomas A. Spahr, also of Jamestown, and has two children, Oakie and Goldie.

Charles F. Taylor was seven years of age when his parents returned from Clinton county to this county and he grew up on the home farm in Silvercreek township, receiving his schooling in the neighborhood schools. He married in the fall of 1896 and in 1900 moved to Xenia, where he was for eighteen months engaged in the employ of the Rapid Transit Company. He then became engaged in the insurance and real-estate business in that city and was thus engaged there for eight years, at the end of which time he sold the business he had established and returned to the farm. Three years later he definitely gave up farming and returned to Xenia, where, in association with his brother-in-law, Roy Hayward, he bought the cigar store and billiard room known as "The Arcade," at 28 South Detroit street, and has ever since been engaged in business at that point. Following the appointment of Mr. Hayward to the office of city auditor in the fall of 1917 Mr. Taylor bought his brother-in-law's interest in the business and has since been operating it alone.

On October 21, 1896, at Xenia, Charles F. Taylor was united in marriage to Hannah Conklin, daughter of H. H. and Mary J. (Hook) Conklin, the former of whom is still living, a resident of Xenia. H. H. Conklin and wife were the parents of five children, Mrs. Taylor having a brother, Clyde Conklin, who married Grace Ireland, and is living at Xenia, and three sisters, Cora, wife of J. A. Bales, of Xenia; Laura, wife of D. E. Adsit, of Jamestown, and Harriet, wife of Roy C. Hayward, Mr. Taylor's former business partner, who was appointed city auditor at the first meeting held by the city commission in Xenia under the operation of the new city charter of 1917. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are members of the Baptist church. They have one child, a son, Willard, born on May 27, 1902, who is now (1918) a sophomore in the Xenia high school. Mr. Taylor is a Republican. Fraternally, he is afifiliated with the local lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons and with the local camp of the Sons of Veterans.


From History of Greene County Ohio, Its People, Industries and Institutions, vol. 2. M.A.Broadstone, editor. B.F.Bowen & Co., Indianapolis. 1918



