Ohio Biographies

Morris A. Bradley

While statistics are not biography, the most significant statement of Morris A. Bradley's position in Cleveland life and affairs and his manifold interests is furnished in a list of the corporations and other organizations with which he is actively identified at the present time.

He is president of the Cleveland and Buffalo Transportation Company, president of the United States Coal Company, secretary and treasurer of the Erie Building Company, secretary and treasurer of the Alva Realty Company, secretary and treasurer of the St. Clair Realty Company, president of the Bradley Electrical Company, and he and his two sons own and operate the Bradley Light, Heat and Power Company. For a number of years he was president of the State National Bank, which was absorbed by the First National Bank of Cleveland. He is also a member of the University School Corporation.

Mr. Bradley is a son of the late Captain Alva Bradley, whose achievements as a lake captain, boat builder and vessel owner have been noted on other pages of the publication. Morris A. Bradley was born at Cleveland August 15, 1859. He acquired a good education in public and private schools and his first business training came as an employe (sic) of the wholesale hardware house of Lockwood, Taylor & Company. After that he was a student in Hiram College. In 1880 he entered business with his father and at the death of his father five years later assumed management of the estate, which his own judgment and ability have greatly increased. Mr. Bradley is one of the largest owners of real estate in Cleveland and has erected many large buildings in the business district. For a number of years he was active in the boat building business and at one time owned a fleet of twenty-six boats on the Great Lakes. Most of these were part of the fleet built up by his father and were the old style boats of thirty years ago and were finally put out of commission by the advance of modern improvements.

Mr. Bradley is a member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and belongs to the Country Club, the Roadside Club, the Shaker Lakes Club, City Club, Civic League and the Union Club. He attends and supports the First Unitarian Church of Cleveland.

May 10, 1883 he married Miss Anna A. Leininger, daughter of the late C. C. Leininger of Cleveland. Mrs. Bradley was born and educated in New York City. They are the parents of five children: Alva, Charles L., Helen M., Eleanor and Catherine A. All were born in Cleveland, and were liberally educated here and elsewhere. The oldest daughter, Helen M., attended a young ladies seminary in the East and is now the wife of Malcolm B. Vilas of Cleveland. The daughters also attended the Hatheway-Brown School and Eleanor is a member of the class of 1919 in that noted Cleveland private school. Both sons attended Cornell University, Charles L. graduating from that institution. Both boys are graduates of the University School of Cleveland. The family are prominent socially. Mr. Bradley always found much recreation as a member of the Gentlemen's Driving Club and as an expert amateur horseman. His sons are active young business men and are members of a number of corporations and companies. The family reside at 7217 Euclid Avenue, and the business offices of Mr. Bradley are in the Marion Building at 1276 West Third Street, N. W.


From Cleveland - Special Limited Edition, The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago & New York, 1918 v.1



