Ohio Biographies

James P. Beall

JAMES P. BEALL, farmer, P. O. Bucyrus; was born May 13, 1828, in Harrison Co., Ohio, and is the son of James P. and Minerva (Hough) Beall; his father was a farmer. and he remained on the farm until he was 23 years old ; his father being in moderate circumstances and having a large family to support, young James was compelled to work and thus lose many advantages of schooling. He received a moderate education. however, and worked some two years for $10 per month, and also split rails at 37½ cents per day in the fall of 1852 he came to this county, and rented a farm in Bucyrus Township. adjoining that of A. J. Caldwell the next year he worked by the month for Enos Barrett, receiving $240 per year and house rent, etc. - in December, 1854 he bought 120 acres of the land which he now owns, and which at that time was but little improved ; he has improved his farm and added to it, so that at present he is the prosperous owner of 392 acres of well tilled land, and has erected substantial buildings. all being the result of Mr. Beall's labor and industry, united with good management as he commenced life for himself with only $7. When he first purchased his land, he raised large crops of grain until the land was sufficiently cleared, and, since then, he has dealt in the best breeds of sheep, such as the Merino, having a fine flock of 500, and handling at times from 300 to 1,800 head. He is a Republican in politics, and was formerly a Whig casting his first vote for Gen. Scott. Both himself and wife are members of the M. E. Church, of which he is a Trustee. He was married, Dec. 27, 1848, to Miss Mary Keckler, of Harrison Co.. Ohio , of this marriage, there have been seven children-James P., deceased ; those still living are : John W., Mary M., Laura E., Dorsey L., Eva M. and Nora E. The father of Mr. Beall was born in Washington Co., Penn., in 1797 he was first married to Jane Albert, of Pennsylvania, and of this marriage there were two children, one of whom is still living-Jane, the wife of Aaron Chance, of Bucyrus Township - this first consort died in about 1821, and Mr. Beal, Sr., came to Harrison Co. the following year, and, some time after, he married Minerva Hough, of that county ; he was one of the earliest settlers in that region. and for twenty-one years the elections were held at his house - he was County Commissioner there, and also held several township offices - he settled in Bucyrus Township in 1854, where Christopher Mason now lives, and resided there until his death, in 1869; his mother died in 1875. Of this marriage, there were the following children-Cass Andrews, deceased - Elizabeth, deceased - Colmore C., deceased ; James P., our subject Cyrus H., deceased ; Rebecca, deceased - John W.. deceased ; Minerva A., Zephaniah, Mary A. and Susannah ; the last three died in infancy.


From History of Crawford County and Ohio, Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1881



